these yummy leaves came from our veg patch and were in a our salad for dinner- very yummy and satisfying to know tht we grew them.

This is how our veg patch is progressing- perhaps I should take pics during daylight hours so that they are a little clearer. It is looking very good (well I think so!). you can see the carrots, the american cress and the onions sprouting up very rapidly in the raised bed. I need to hang the hanging baskets the dwarf tomatoes are in. I have only planted one of the potato bags so far, I will plant some more another day, I have run out of compost so am stck until I get to the garden centre again. I have 3 more to plant, so am going to plant one of potatoes, one of carrots as we eat so many of those. Am so far undecided on the final one, hopefully I will decide by the time I have the compost.
The hexagons are coming along nicely, I know have 254 made ready to by sewn together, a few more sewn then I will begin peicing them together. Also pleased that Stephanies dress is sucha hit, she has worn it a couple of times already and has now packed it to take to Auntie Lala's house this weekend. I must get on with making her next dress that she has chosen for me to make her.
Why is it that despite having finished my degree I still have no spare time?
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