remember the other week when I said I ordered a sample of soapnuts? I used them and still feel undecided. I love the feeling knowing I m using something eco, but I am not a fan of their smell. The smell does fade after being on the washing line, but what about in the winter when everything is dried indoors?
I decided that a smell should not put me off doing something so good. With this in mind I ordered 500g of them to make a more informed decision. I have found that if I add a small amount of white vinegar to the wash the smell isn't as noticable. I also managed to finish the dining chair cushions;
Well they are finished if you overlook the lack of zip, to fasten them! That will have to wait til next when when I have had time to go and buy them.
I am pleased with the results of them, not exactly as I had imagined, but I like them a lot.
I am also liking how full of food my garden is;
This is our main vegetable patch, full off carrots, onions and salad mainly. The raspberried are starting to form as well. further up the garden the peas are starting to grow pods, and the first tomato is starting to grow, am so proud of my veggie babies.
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