have you noticed that the blog has been rather neglected lately?
There are a couple of reasons for this, the not so sad one, I have been spending all my time lesson planning. Am starting to get into the swing of it now and its not taking quite as long.
The very sad reason is that my wonderful Nanna was taken ill last month and sadly died on the 5th november. For a few days before she died until yesterday I have a had 2 of my sisters and their families staying here, so things have been manic/ sad and very emotional for the best part of 3 weeks.
My nannas funeral was last wednesday, and my sisters have now gone home so I am going to try and bring back some normality to our lives. I have begun by cleaning my house today. It took me all afternoon but it is finally straight now. I am planning on picking up my hexagon quilt i started in the sumer and actually getting it finished BEFORE christmas- wish me luck!
I am so sorry for your loss an d good luck with the quilt