Wow it has been a hectic few weeks (yeah I hear you, when isn't life hectic when you are a parent?)
I have been finishing off my PGCE teaching practice, I have been finding a job, spending time with the children and spending the weekends visiting my Mum who is poorly and not managing housework. So have been cleaning 2 homes as well.
My teaching practice is now complete am pleased to say I have passed! I have found a job; well 2 kind of- one for supply work over the last few weeks of the Summer term and a permanent job starting September. So I just have a few days to complete at uni this week and then I am officially a teacher. Scary stuff!
Needless to say things have been pretty hectic here I have managed to do some making/baking but I haven't taken many pics. Here are just a couple to give you an idea of what we have been doing.
feeding my aunt's hand reared kitten
making cake
pirate day at school
Cat sitting, silly thing keeps eating grass then being sick!
Winner of the crazy dance competition
Chilling in the garden
The green knitting is my first attempt at making something complicated* knitting wise, it is going to be a school cardigan for Stephanie.
I am having a day off tomorrow and hoping to spend it down the allotment, so expect an allotment related post tomorrow.
I have big plans for my days off before the children break up from school, although I suspect I won't be any where near as productive as I need to be in order to achieve everything.
* complicated for me as a complete novice, I am sure this pattern is actually very basic.