Saturday, 21 January 2012

allotment update

Today Dylan and I spent all afternoon at the allotment. It was a lovely peaceful afternoon there, and only rained a little.
We sorted out one of the compost bins, and I am very pleased with the amount of compost we have made. The compost bin we emptied today produced 4 wheel barrows, and it was one of the smallest bins on the site. I should have plenty of compost for the year once I have sorted the other 3....

We are reorganising the bed system on the plot. Last year we used the existing system due to the timing on getting the plot. Today we have used wood chipping to map out the boundary of what will become this years potato bed.

Dylan laid the wood chips after we marked out where the path would go. We also laid wood chips under the apple and pear trees in an effort to suppress the weeds this year.

Have you noticed a theme of late, hot choc is becoming a very regular feature at the moment.

Expect lots more allotment posts in the next few weeks as we get it organised.


  1. Hello, I have just found your blog and read your 2012 aspirations. I think it is very good the way not only have you stated your aspirations, but you have broken down your actions by month. I think you are much more likely to achiieve them that way.

    I will read your back catalogue of posts, bt in the meantime, where abouts in the county are you? I always like to put people into a geo context.

  2. Hello thanks for commenting. I am hoping that by breaking them down they are more acheivable. So far so good.
    I am in Kent :-)
