Saturday, 22 March 2014

Sharing skills

Today I have been sharing how to sew with my sister and niece.

My sister wants to help my niece to make her own dress but doesn't know how to do this.

My niece has drawn a sketch of her dress she wants. So they came round today with fabric and a sketch. I have adapted a pattern I have to make the bodice of the dress. I needed to make it larger as it is one of my patterns for Stephanie which my niece is a little to big for now. So I sketched around the outline to enlarge the pattern on tissue paper. We have started to sew this together.

My sister wanted to make a present for her mother in law for mothers day. So I have shown her how to do this.

I haven't taken a picture of the finished present as I don't think anyone who knows her would see the fist before it has been received, but don't want to take any chances. Her partner also got involved as baby woke up before the button holes were made so he made those, with guidance.
My sister did make me laugh. her parting words were " I didn't know it was so complicated to make your own things I thought it would be easy" Bless her. I did reassure her it is once you have mastered the basics. She needs to gain confidence on the machine. They will be back another day to finish the bodice and then I will need to sort a template for the skirt- I don't have a pattern how she has described so thank fully I have a few days to think about it :-)


  1. Clever you, Sarah, well done for teaching her. My lovely friend has just taught me how to quilt - we have made 12 different blocks and now I have put them together - I'm very proud of my achievement - it's lovely to pass on skills. x

    1. You are lucky that you have a friend to help you. quilting is so much fun I love seeing how the different blocks work together to make the quilt.

  2. Thank you so much for my giveaway of world book day books. They are superb and I will enjoy giving them to the various young people. Thank you again.

    1. You are welcome, I hope you get to share them with hundreds of young people and get to instil a love of stories through them :-)

  3. You are a kind sister. I hope your sister uses the skills you taught her again. As you say, once she gains confidence she may take on more home sewing tasks.
    Love from Mum

    1. My sister has big plans to make her own home furnishings and clothes. She is also looking at saving for her own sewing machine now :-)
