Sunday 29 January 2012

our weekend

Take a peek at our weekend; Saturday we went to Knole park for a walk and to see the deer. Then today we went to the allotment.

What is it that makes sticks appeal so much to children?

Now I must admit I get the walking along a log thing- I like to have a go too

Both children were amazed at the amount of Deer we saw and just how close we got.

My little poser

They were entranced by this magpie trying to eat an apple

I decided that I would make a special breakfast to start our Sunday. I made waffles- Jamie Oliver style. Then we headed off to the allotment. The potato bed is almost ready. You can see where we are planning the potatoes to go in the background of this picture of our hot choc break. Boy were we glad of it today was rather nippy.

While we were having our break we were amused by watching this little robin hopping about. Not a very clear picture but I couldn't get any closer without frightening him.


  1. what a lovely weekend. you look like a great, hard-working tight-knit little unit.

  2. Thanks it was a lovely weekend- they go way to fast though. We are tight knit I guess, most friends/family work weekends or don't live nearby. We have fun though :-)
