Sunday, 24 February 2013

Sealed Pot Sunday Update


This week I withdrew the money left over after all bills had been paid/accounted for. The money left was used to do the shopping and for our days out we have enjoyed this past week. The coins left in my purse are off to the sealed pot. The £5 note I have left is in my purse for this weeks float. I don't need to do any shopping. I have bills I need to pay but these are done via the bank. I need to fill the car for the months travelling to work etc,order some flowers for Nannygran's funeral and renew my rail card I have found code online to renew for £20 instead of £28 so a saving of £8 before the savings we make of our travel with the card win-win!! Apart from that no spending required. I like the idea of 'no spend days' I keep hearing on other thrifty people's blogs about them managing no spend days. I am going to aim for a total of 10 in March to see how I get on. I think this added challenge will help me to stay on track and support me in my saving plans.


  1. Every little bit helps Sarah. Hope you get through your 10 no spend days in March and that sealed pot fills up quick sticks.

    1. Every little certainly does help Tracy. My pot is slowly but surely filling up. I have savings that I am putting into several different pots for various things. One is about 20% towards target, another is 30% towards target. Not bad going at all! This little pot doesn't have a set amount required in it- every penny is a bonus!

  2. I have NSDs. My tactic is, unless I know I need to buy petrol or any other ESSENTIAL, I leave my purse at home.

    1. That is a good tactic. I need to bring my purse at the moment as I am trying to catch the florists so I can get flowers for next weeks funeral. Am getting stressed as I haven't managed this yet. I have however managed to go to the shops twice! Oops.
      I guess it's not technically March til riday but ot is still not good enough!

  3. You are managing your finances really well.

    Good to hear some has gone in the pot!

    Sft x

    1. thank you SFT. I am determined to sort out my finances to get us our own (bought) home and have fun still at the same time, having this as a focus is really giving me something to work towards
