Thursday 16 April 2015

Mummy Friends

I came across this clip when i first woke up this morning it's all about parenting, how we can all have strong beliefs on how to best parent our children and that we all do it differently. The idea is that no matter the differences we all want the same- the best for our children. Little did I know that my lazy day at home  would result in having 2 extra little people today. I got a text- whilst watching the video from a  friend whose childcare fell through is there any chance I could step in. No prob was the answer. Being a parent and juggling everything is tough. I'm home and new Stephanie would love the company- it's one of her best friends at school. We had an easy morning playing and pottering. Then while we were eating lunch my sister in law called, without going into too much detail she's having a rough time personally at the moment could I please have her eldest overnight. Once we had eaten we headed over to collect him as  she doesn't drive. When I got there I found her in a completely overwhelmed state. "Where's your black sacks I asked?" Confused she went to get them, I bundled up the washing which was built up everywhere and loaded it into the car. I'll bring it back clean and dry I promised. Floor now cleared we could get into the kitchen. the children went out together to play for a while. Whilst we had a drink, a chat and a few tears were shed. Plan hatched to get things sorted I headed home with a car full of children and boot of washing. 

This little love is working overtime;

Tomorrow I will return her child and the 4 sacks of washing. See how she got on with her jobs for today and determine the next few things we need to address to get her sorted. We will soon have things straight for her. 

Not the day we had planned, but very much the day that is needed.


  1. How lovely, simple support goes a long way, I hope your SiL is feeling better soon, we all get over whelmed in this world.

    1. She will be fine in time. As you say we all get overwhelmed and I know she would also help anyone in need.

  2. What a lovely friend and sister in law you are x

    1. I haven't done anything that a friend/ family wouldn't do, I am sure. Just want to see her sorted and straight again :-)
